1. What is your experience with:

1.1. Low-resource microcontrollers or other hardware facing development?

  • Majority of relevant experience was working on Fuschia
    • Users were basically Nest developers
    • CLI tools that handled different development aspects
      • Setting up environment for remote development
      • Software delivery side of the OS — how can a Nest developer go from a change in the monorepo to actually running on the device
      • CLI tool for flashing

1.2. Rust

  • Wanted to learn Rust, so joined Fuschia really for Rust
  • Current job is in Rust

1.3. Automated testing and continuous integration

  • Touched CI throughout career working with data
  • No testing involved physical hardware
    • E.g., Fuschia had an emulator
  • Extensive experience with automated testing in general, both at Google and in data roles

1.4. Secure system design

  • Feel pretty comfortable with Rust, but not as comfortable in lower-level "stuff"
  • With data space worked with people who use PII data, used crypto shredding
  • Amit's note: no real "experience," but exhibited a bunch of familiarity with some tools/ideas and knew what he was talking about
  • Recently implemented

2. What is your experience with community-based open source projects?

3. Tell me about a scenario where you worked in a multi-stakeholder setting? E.g. one where different contributors had different incentives and resources? Or, what strengths do you bring to this environment and what challenges might you face?

4. Give an example of a significant project that you completed independently?

5. When is a project "done"?

6. Do you have experience working with remote collaborators?

7. How often do you prefer to check-in with stakeholders on your project?

8. What is your preferred mode of working in a group?

9. What challenges do you foresee on-boarding to working on Tock in this role?