I think this is a good discussion for Friday, but I wanted to send out an advance email to give time for people to gather their thoughts in advance

The current set of return codes include a type. e.g. calls like allow/brk currently return SyscallReturnU32U32 or SyscallReturnU32. Clearly this is not true for 64-bit platforms. Or for CHERI where the size of an address is not the size of a pointer.I think there are a few options:
  1. 1) They should return different codes on different platforms: SyscallReturnu32 on 32-bit, SyscallReturnu64on 64-bit, SyscallReturnMetaPtr on CHERI etc with some meta constructors to help choose. Userspace should expect the same and be If-Defed appropriately.
  2. 2) They should return a new more specific code SyscallReturnPtr / SyscallReturnUsize on all platforms, and user space should check for just that one.e
  3. 3) These calls are already made type safe because of the wrappers in libtock-c / libtock-rs. Just use SyscallSuccess for these built in syscalls. Wrappers know what they are getting.
  4. 4) A true evil one. Option 3, but SyscallReturnu32 is the code for legacy reasons. You know what you are actually getting.
What I actually did on my fork was just 3 (because all these different codes were getting in the way), but this does break compatibility unless there is a matching change in libtock-c/libtock-rs and it would probably be better not to do so. In fact, both 2 and 3 are breaking API changes. This means that possibly we should prefer (1), simply for backwards compatibility? This is roughly what the consttructor I added for SyscallReturnUsize does: selects one of SyscallReturnu32 or SyscallReturnu64 as appropriate. But possibly we will need a few more as soon as CHERI comes into play.As for types for commands:Currently in the kernel commands are:fn command(&self, cmd_num: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, appid: ProcessId)
Which is already usize-ified.In libtock-c: syscall_return_t command(uint32_t driver, uint32_t command, size_t arg1, size_t arg2);
There is clearly a mismatch there on command number. I am of the mind that the driver/command being u32 is fine, and args should really be usize. For instance, a command might realistically take an offset to a previously allowed buffer. This is usize, not u32.Upcalls: in the kernel were all u32, I changed most of the arguments usize apart from data/fn pointer which are MetaPtr. i.e., the type in C should be:typedef void (subscribe_upcall)(size_t, size_t, size_t, void*);where currently it istypedef void (subscribe_upcall)(int, int, int, void*);And I think its worth some discussion whether people are happy with this. It means nothing for 32-bit libtock-c because the ABI for passing usize is the same as int on 32-bit platforms. In libtock-rs I have the patches ready to go to define the upcall trait on both u32 and usize so it won't break any code there.
